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Meeting your Supervisor

It is very important that you meet your supervisors throughout the PP process. They will help guide you through the process. Their role is strictly one of a facilitator, guide and advisor. They are NOT to make decisions for you or complete any of the report. The Personal project is your own personal journey.


The student is responsible for arranging the meetings with the supervisor. This should be at BREAKS ONLY.  Please arrange these in advance with your supervisor. You can see the dates of all the supervisor meetings you should have in the table below. The meetings highlighted in green are compulsory meetings and MUST be recorded on ManageBac. The other two scheduled meetings are optional if you require them (do not record these on ManageBac). 


PP Timeline of supervisor meetings - 2023-24.png
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Supervisor Roles
Supervisor Roles & Responsibilities

The supervisor’s responsibilities are to provide guidance to students in the process and completion of the project.


This includes:

  • ensuring the chosen MYP project topic satisfies appropriate legal and ethical standards with regard to health and safety, confidentiality, human rights, animal welfare and environmental issues

  • giving guidelines about the MYP project

  • providing a timetable with deadlines

  • providing the assessment criteria for the project

  • giving advice on how to keep and curate evidence of the process

  • emphasizing the importance of personal analysis and reflection

  • providing formative feedback

  • ensuring requirements for academic integrity are met confirming the authenticity of the work submitted

  • assessing the MYP project using the criteria in this guide

  • participating in the standardization of the assessment process

  • providing personal project teacher assessed totals to the MYP coordinator to enter in the International Baccalaureate Information System (IBIS).


Students should receive information and guidance that includes:

  • guidelines about the MYP project

  • a timetable with deadlines

  • the assessment criteria for the project

  • advice on how to keep evidence or collect examples to be included in the report

  • formative feedback (verbal or written)

  • requirements for academic honesty

Recording your meetings
How to record your meeting on ManageBac and keep track of them?
add new meeting.png

It is very important that you meet your supervisors throughout the PP process at the 3 compulsory times. These 3 meetings must be recorded (written format) on ManageBac. This can be done very easily: 


  1. Select "IB Manager" on the left hand navigation bar.

  2. Select "Personal Projects" tab

  3. Select "Academic Honesty" tab

  4. On the top right select "Add New Meeting" button. 

  5. Add the title as "Meeting 1" or "Meeting 2"....etc and add your comments 

  6. Select the blue "Add Meeting"button once you are done with the notes. 


Each meeting you should make notes on:

  1. What you discussed with your supervisor

  2. Make a To Do list (action plan) that you plan to do for the next meeting or deadline. 

Tutorial: How to submit a meeting form on ManageBac
Tutorial: How to submit your learning goal on ManageBac
Meeting 1: What to discuss?
Sept - Oct (Meeting 1 & 2): What to Discuss?

It is important to get to know your student and their interests etc. You may also discuss essential agreements between you and them. Here is a list of questions that you need to ask them to gain clarity about their PP.


The focus of Meeting 1 will be Criterion A: Planning. These are some of the questions you can ask: 


Questions for Students who do not have a learning goal or product goal:

  1. What topics or subjects are you genuinely enthusiastic about?

  2. What activities, interests or hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?

  3. Do you have any hobbies or areas of strength?

  4. What do you want to achieve with this project?

  5. What skills or knowledge do you currently have that you could focus on improving or any gaps you could address?

  6. Are you looking to gain new skills, create something meaningful, or solve a particular problem?

  7. How will this project benefit you personally or professionally?

  8. Are there any skills or strengths you possess that you can use to produce your product?


Questions for Students who have a learning goal and product goal:

  1. Do you know how to record this meeting on ManageBac? If not go to this link: 

  2. Have you submitted your learning goal and proposal on ManageBac? If not go to this link: 

  3. What is your PP topic/subject area?

  4. Why does this interest you?

  5. What is your learning goal?

  6. How will you know if you've achieved your learning and product goals?

  7. What impact do you hope to make? (on yourself and/or others)?

  8. Is there a service as action experience that you would like to build on?

  9. Is your learning goal a S.M.A.R.T. goal?

  10. What is the connection between your personal interest and the goal?

  11. What will be your product? e.g. Website or a model, a blog,

  12. How is the product connected to the learning goal?

  13. Which global context is relevant to your PP? Why?

  14. Which specific exploration fits your PP?

  15. How will you document and reflect on your progress?

  16. Which format will you be using for the process journal?

  17. Have you started recording in the process journal? Kindly share it with the supervisors (Class Notebook on OneNote)

  18. How will you begin your research?

  19. How will you evaluate the sources for research? e.g. OPVL, CRAAP

  20. Have you developed an action plan?

  21. Do you have short term and long-term deadlines to complete your PP?

  22. How will you track your progress? e.g. Gantt chart or a to-do list

  23. Have you created a success criteria for the product?

  24. Which ATL skills will you develop while achieving your learning goal?

  25. Which ATL skills will you develop while working/completing your product?

  26. Which IB learner profile will the project allow you to demonstrate?

Meeting 2: What to discuss?
Nov - Dec (Meeting 3): What to Discuss?

The focus of Meeting 2 will be Criterion B: Applying Skills. These are some of the questions you can ask: 


  1. How are you referring to your success criteria to improve your product/outcome?

  2. How did you adjust your planning process as new deadlines or challenges emerge?

  3. How is your understanding of the topic developing as you work on your product/outcome?

  4. What obstacles have you encountered? How have you overcome them using your problem-solving skills?

  5. How have you generated new ideas and perspectives? How have you connected what you already know to what you are learning while taking action?

  6. How have you employed your prior learning in the creation of your product/outcome?

  7. What new insight do you have into your chosen global context?

  8. How have you developed a deeper sense of empathy?

  9. How have you developed intercultural understanding?

  10. How have you managed to resolve conflict and work collaboratively with others?

  11. How have you taken responsibility for your actions?

  12. How are you making the process of creating visible through your process journal?

Meeting 3:What to discuss?
Jan - Feb (Meeting 4 & 5): What to Discuss?

The focus of Meeting 3 will be Criterion C: Reflecting. These are some of the questions you can ask: 


  1. How have you changed?

  2. What have you learned about yourself?

  3. What have you learned about the subject/topic?

  4. How has the PP prepared me for the future?

  5. How has my point of view changed?

  6. What am I most proud of?

  7. What skills have I acquired?

  8. What skills have I improved?

  9. How can you evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, and possible improvements to your product/outcome?

  10. How has completing the project extended your knowledge and understanding of your topic?

  11. How has completing the project extended your knowledge and understanding of your global context?

  12. How has completing the project extended your development of new or existing skills?

  13. How has completing the project extended your development as an IB Learner (refer to learner profile)?

  14. How has reflecting throughout the project inquiry cycle informed your next steps while taking action?

  15. Have you completed the Academic Honesty Form? If not then visit this link:

Academic Honesty Form
Completing your Academic Honesty Form with your Supervisor

It is very important that you meet your supervisors throughout the PP process. They will help guide you through the process. Their role is strictly one of a facilitator, guide and advisor. They are NOT to make decisions for you or complete any of the report. The Personal project is your own personal journey.


The student is responsible for arranging the meetings with the supervisor. This should be at BREAKS ONLY.  Please arrange these in advance with your supervisor. You can see the dates of all the supervisor meetings you should have in the table below: 



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