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The report is the main component of the personal project that is assessed by your supervisors and the IB. It is broken down into 3 parts: A.Planning, B.Applying skills, C.Reflecting.


Aims of the Personal Project_edited_edit
of the Personal Project
In this section
you are required to:

Introduce your passion.
State a learning goal.
State your product.
Make a success criteria
Make a detailed action plan


Applying skills

In this section
you are required to:

Explain what ATLs you used.
Explain why you used them. 
Explain how and where you used them.
Talk about personal growth

In this section
you are required to:

Impact of your product.
Evaluating your product

A. Planning
A: Planning

In this section of the report you must demonstrate the following: 

  • i. state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal

  • ii. state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product

  • iii. present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.


In this section you must do the following 4:


Set a learning goal based on a personal interest

Your learning goal can stem from a passion, an interest in school, a service as action, an experience, a hobby or a future profession



State a product goal 

There should be a direct link between your learning goal and product. Your product does not need to be physical, but can be a website or app.


Develop a success criteria for your product

Your success criteria must be testable, measurable and observable. It must evaluate your product and the impact on you or the community


Make an action plan to achieve the product

Your action plan must be detailed and give dates and deadlines that you have created for yourself and given deadlines. Outline actions needed to achieve the product
1-2. Setting a Learning and Product goal.
Explainer video - How to set a SMART Goal:
Global Contexts - Linking to your goal (OPTIONAL)

You can use a Global Context to guide your exploration and learning goal. Look through the Global Contexts below and choose the one which fits your exploration the most. Feel free to mention the global context in your report and say how your project will explore this global context or use it to drive your inquiry. 



Beliefs and values

Personal health

Physical health

Mental health

Social health

Spiritual health

Human relationships, including families, friends, role models

Communities and cultures

Who am I? 

Who we are?

Scientific and technical innovation
  • Students will explore the:

  • natural world and its laws;

  • the interaction between people and the natural world;

  • how humans use their understanding of scientific principles;

  • the impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments;

  • the impact of environments on human activity;

  • how humans adapt environments to their needs.

How do we understand the worlds in which we live? 

Orientation in Space and Time

Students will explore:

personal histories;

homes and journeys;

turning points in humankind;


explorations and migrations of humankind;

the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations,

from personal, local and global perspectives.

What is the meaning of ‘where’ and ‘when’? 

Globalization and Sustainability
  • Students will explore the

  • interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities;

  • the relationship between local and global processes;

  • how local experiences mediate the global; reflect on:

  • the opportunities and tensions provided by world interconnectedness;

  • the impact of decision-making on humankind and the environment.

How is everything connected? 

Personal and Cultural Expression

Students will explore the ways in which we:

discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values;

the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. 

What is the nature and purpose of creative expression? 

Fairness and Development
  • Students will explore rights and responsibilities;

  • the relationship between communities;

  • sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things;

  • access to equal opportunities;

  • peace and conflict resolution. 

What are the consequences of our common humanity? 

Prior Knowledge

Identify what you already know about the goal for your project, the sources of your knowledge and how this will help you achieve your personal project goal.


You can also draw from your MYP subjects that will help you achieve your personal project goal. You can Brainstorm or use the KWHL chart below, to help access prior information on a topic or theme or focus on a topic. You can identify primary and secondary resources, leading to the research. 

KWHL Chart 

KWHL Chart.png
3. Writing a Success Criteria
4. Writing an Action plan
B. Applying Skills
B. Applying Skills

In this section of the report you must demonstrate the following: 

  • i. explain how the ATL skills were applied to help achieve your learning goal.

  • ii. explain how the ATL skills were applied to help achieve your product.


In this section you must do the following 3:


Select and apply ATL skills to work towards your learning goal.

Identify the ATL skills that you have applied through achieving your learning goals and explain how these skills were developed 


Select and apply ATL skills to work towards your product goal.

Identify the ATL skills that you have applied through creating your product and explain how these skills were developed.


Gather evidence showing how you have used the ATL skills in your project

You must gather detailed evidence. This could be the process journal or research that you have undertaken to achieve your product and learning goal
1. Selecting ATL skills.

Approaches to learning (ATL) are a framework of skills which help you develop as an independent learner. There are 5 skill categories (yellow innner circle).


These break down further into clusters (outer circle of diagram). For each cluster there are specific skills that you may use. There are over 130 of these skills. You are not expected to demonstrate all of these skills within each cluster but only select the relevant ones.

ATL Skills.png

Navigate through the tabs below to see the ATL skills for each category:

Communication skills.PNG

An example table showing the ATL skill and possible evidence that can be used to demonstrate it. 

ATL Skills and examples.PNG
c. reflecting

In this section of the report you must demonstrate the following: 

  • i. explain the impact of the project on yourselves or your learning.

  • ii. evaluate your product based on the success criteria.


In this section you must do the following 3:


Explain how you have changed due to your learning goal or product

Your learning goal can stem from a passion, an interest in school, a service as action, an experience, a hobby or a future profession



Evaluate the product based on the success criteria.

There should be a direct link between your learning goal and product. Your product does not need to be physical, but can be a website or app.


Support your comments with specific evidence or detailed examples

There should be a direct link between your learning goal and product. Your product does not need to be physical, but can be a website or app.
1. Showing change throughout the process ​

When writing your reflection these are some of the questions you can consider:

What have I learned about the subject?

What have I learned about myself?

What skills have I aquired?

What skills have I improved?

What am I most proud of?

How has my point of view changed?

How has my project prepared me for the future?

In this section for the highest level you should show the development of change through constant reflection. You could focus on the change, improvement or development you have made in your ATL skills. You could represent this as a table like this:

ATL skills table - reflection.PNG
2. Evaluating the product against the Success Criteria

Coming soon.....

Example Reports/Products
Examples of Previous PP Reports & Products

Level 7


Learning Goal: 

Theoretical physics behind the idea of time-travel. 


Product Goal:

Explainer Video


Learning Goal: 

Learning a language (Japanese) to an upper-intermediate level


Product Goal:

Lang Book for primary school

Design Sustainability

Learning Goal: 

Understanding needs of toilets in Haiti and exploring mechanisms for emergency toilets


Product Goal:

A model of a reusable portable toilet.


Learning Goal: 

Causes of mental instability and possible therapy to prevent it.


Product Goal:

A book on mental health


Learning Goal: 

Placebo effect - the impact of colours on mental health​


Product Goal:

Instagram business page sellling merchandise


Learning Goal: 

Learning animation 


Product Goal:

Animation Video


Learning Goal: 

Learn about Dyslexia and how it affects individuals


Product Goal:

A book on Dyslexia

Sports & Science

Learning Goal: 

Understanding the Science behind swimming and hydrodynamics.​


Product Goal:

A video on swimming

Science & Psychology

Learning Goal: 

The Neuroscience of Early Childhood development​


Product Goal:

Educational Video

Level 6


Learning Goal: 

Learn how art has developed over the years


Product Goal:

Art Painting Canvases


Learning Goal: 

Learn how do negative thoughts impact on our lives​


Product Goal:

Book on mental health

Sports & Psychology

Learning Goal: 

What mental preparations athletes go through to prepare themselves physically​


Product Goal:

Art piece on disabled and abled athletes

Travel & Culture

Learning Goal: 

How to plan a mindful trip in Thailand​


Product Goal:

Designing an App

Technology & Aviation

Learning Goal: 

Exploring the electro-aircraft industry


Product Goal:

Educational Youtube video on electric aircrafts


Learning Goal: 

How scientific material be communicated through fiction novels


Product Goal:

Science Books for children

Health & Diet

Learning Goal: 

Learning to cook through creating a cookbook​


Product Goal:

A Cookbook


Learning Goal: 

Learn how to tell a story of my progress through art. 


Product Goal:

Art paintings


Learning Goal: 

Causes of mental instability and possible therapy to prevent it.


Product Goal:

A book on mental health

Design Sustainability

Learning Goal: 

Importance of Sustainable Architecture


Product Goal:

Architectural Sustainable Model

How to Reference and write a Bibliography

For the PP Report, the IB have requested that you must use the following referencing method:


MLA 8 (Modern Language Association 8th Edition)


There is a very easy way of referencing both "in-text" and creating a "bibliography" using The video tutorials below show how easily you can reference your research accurately and hassle-free: 

TUTORIAL: How to use MyBib Chrome Extension to reference anything easily for your report. 
TUTORIAL: How to create a Bibliography on MyBib.
Format for your report
Format for your Report

Your report must be submitted in .pdf format. You also need to consider your learning preferences and your strengths. It is so important that you communicate clearly and concisely in order to reach the highest grade possible.


Your report Must: 


  1. Be organised into identifiable sections following those of the criteria: A. Planning,  B. Applying Skills,  C. Reflecting

  2. Ensure that it is no more than 15 pages long excluding the bibliography.

  3. To ensure that the written part of the report is clearly legible, each page must have a minimum: 11-point font size and 2 cm margins.

  4. Evidence presented in images must be clearly visible at the size submitted.

  5. Audio and video must be recorded and submitted in real time.

  6. Visual aids presented only in video format will not be considered for assessment.

  7. The bibliography is uploaded separately and is not included in the page limit.

  8. Please do not include a title page; if included it will count towards the page limit.


You should have the following things Uploaded/Completed on ManageBac


  1. The Academic Honesty form uploaded on MaanageBac (Containing student and supervisor signature)

  2. Three meetings recorded on ManageBac.

  3. Product images/videos uploaded on ManageBac.

  4. Bibliography uploaded in pdf on ManageBac

  5. Report uploaded in pdf on ManageBac.


Once you have completed your project you MUST complete the Checklist form below and submit it so your PP coordinator knows you have completed it in the right format. 

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