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The Glorious Quran and its answer to the End Times

This seminar was given in the month of Ramadan, when the Quran was revealed. The seminar gave an outline into what makes the Holy Quran so unique and Glorious, thereafter linking it to Islamic Eschatology (End Times).

The seminar is broken down into 6 parts:

PART 1: The Quran speaks to us

PART 2: Some Scientific miracles of the Quran.

PART 3: Some Mathematical miracles of the Quran

PART 4: Some principles of Ulum ul Quran (Quranic Exegesis)

PART 5: Some signs of the End times 

PART 6: Quran and Islamic Eschatology



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Fasting in Islam and the Major Religions of the World

A study of fasting in Islam and a comparison made with other major world religions

Fasting in Islam and the Major Religions of the World

A study of fasting in Islam and a comparison made with other major world religions

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