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/art & 


Art has always been a hobby of mine and whilst studying Architecture I have had the oppurtunity to use my art and crafts skills in different mediums. From sketching, painting, rendering, physical model making, 3D CAD model making etc. On this page you will find a selection of Art and Architecture work that I have done in my personal time, as a freelance artist and whilst studying on my Architecture degree.

Architecural sketches and projects
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A selection ofsketches using different mediums that I have created whilst on my Architecture degree for various projects.

Personal Art / Crafts / Sculpting projects
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A selection of arts and crafts pieces that I have created in my spare time as a hobby and interest.

Freelance Art Project
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A selection of freelance Art work and projects.

A Level (Sixth Form) D&T projects (2005 - 2007)
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My A-Level (Sixth form College) project, 2007. The project brief was to produce a new logo, brand, look and design for the "Sky News" channel. I renamed the news channel to "Sky World" and designed both the logo and news studio. The Scale model was hand mand in 2007 using my model making skills and CAD/CAM wherever possible to aid with manufacture of the "Sky World" studio. What you see below is images of the car park, cafe, reception, main studio, control room and offices.

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